So my amnio is this week. I'm mostly been in denial about it. I've hardly thought about the fact that I will soon be meeting a big ass needle, praying I'm not in the .5% of people who miscarry, and then enduring the torturous wait for the results. No, that's not happening to me this week. Must be somebody else.
I will be watching Lost and Alias tonight, eating mac and cheese, and not worrying about the amnio. Because I'm not getting one. My doppelganger is. I hope she enjoys it. She'll have to tell me all about it when it's over.
Then again, maybe it is me. I have this enormous stomach that tells me something is up. Why am I so flipping huge? Oh yes, that's right, I'm pregnant. Hmmm, guess it's me and the needle after all. Here we go...
I feel your pain, really I do. But I can honestly say that the amnio wasn't as bad as I had made it out to be in my mind. The pain was brief, some slight discomfort after that, and then 8 of the longest days of my life. I won't lie--I was terrified of that .5% risk you mention but that really is so minute a level. I can't lie though, my stress level was pretty high while waiting for the results. The only way I got through it was to just tell myself everyday that my baby was completely healthy and normal until someone told me otherwise (and luckily the amnio showed she is).
So please take it easy on yourself--both before and after. I know it's easy to say, hard to do, especially with this, when the stakes are so very high.
I'll be thinking of you and hoping for nothing but good news.
Posted by: Dee | March 02, 2005 at 07:25 PM
Good luck!
Posted by: Angela | March 03, 2005 at 10:45 AM
I've been thinking about you. Hope it went without a hitch.
Posted by: Cricket | March 04, 2005 at 11:33 PM
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