Nothing to report over here. Except that work is keeping me very very busy. But not as busy as Karen.
Still taking the Provera. Waiting for my period to start. Ho hum. *looks at watch*
I've been drinking too much. And gaining weight. And eating tons of fish loaded with mercury. I can't seem to throw myself into the heathy living/preparing my eggs thing, since I'm just waiting around for my period to start. I'm in limbo. Limbo is not a good place for me. I need projects, goals, deadlines. I need to cycle.
And did I mention that it sucks every time my blog rolls over into another month? When "September" came up in my archives, I cringed.
Oh, one more thing. I highly recommend HERO. It rocks. Mostly because it is soooo beautiful. The colors are incredible. Luscious, saturated, delirious. Go see it and tell me what you think.
Alright, now back to work. Duty calls.
Holy shite, girl, you are STILL waiting? That's just too awful. I hope your aunt gets off her sorry ass and gets to visiting, like pronto.
Posted by: dish | September 08, 2004 at 03:23 PM
I'm trying to do the sums and getting all muddled - I think the girls said 10 days of pills and then 5 or 6 days later which makes it even more drawn out (and by the sounds of things unpredicatble) as the 2ww. I'm also one of those calendar maniacs with big red circles and yellow boxes for all the significant days...deadlines - bring 'em on. Thank the lord for pesky demanding work to fill the hours.
Posted by: eM | September 08, 2004 at 03:55 PM
Yeah, I know how you mean about seeing another month roll by on your blog. Sigh.
Posted by: Emily | September 08, 2004 at 11:08 PM