Sorry for my silence. Work is craaaaazzzy. Office politics, secret meetings, power grabs, oh my! It's been a helluva week. All of this intrigue and negotiating has done a pretty good job of distracting me from the roller coaster of infertility. Instead, I have the rollercoaster of my career, guaranteed to provide thrills and chills at a low low price.
But even this chaos hasn't been able to make me forget that
Now, I'm not all that good at science, and all that medical terminology some times leaves me scratching my head in confusion, but I do think I have a few fundamentals figured out. For example, I am fairly certain that in order to get pregnant, I need to ovulate. I'm not overstating the case here am I? No? I didn't think so. Plus, I'm pretty sure that menstruation precedes ovulation, i.e. no egg will drop before full flow. Right? Am I missing something here?
So according to my calculations, no period = no egg. In addition, no egg = no pregnancy. So, let's see. I remember taking my SAT's, lo those many years ago, and according to transitive logic, that means no period = no pregnancy.
So there you have it. What more can I say?
Hey, I wish you could have mine! I've been on it for 2 whole frickin weeks now and it's not letting up! I KNOW for a fact that I did not ovulate (otherwise, I would have a little bean in me by now) so I don't understand why the need for all this crazy bleeding.
Anyhoo, I hope you get yours soon since I can't pass mine on to you. I'm so sick of getting these stupid periods if they're not doing any good for me (i.e. make me fucking fertile). They can stop forever for all I care. Sorry to be so bitter. Long, nasty periods do this to me.
Posted by: Katie | September 22, 2004 at 09:36 PM
Sounds v. frustrating. Are nurse J and Dr C giving any useful input?
Posted by: eM | September 23, 2004 at 02:16 AM
Forget all the medical stuff about periods and ovulating... I think you should test! Maybe it is the miracle you have been waiting for.
Then again... I am a pregnancy test whore....
Posted by: Jamie | September 23, 2004 at 08:11 PM
I sometimes wonder if I will one day find a giant recall notice in the paper for all the drugs I have been taking. For example, the FSH drug I take has to be kept refrigerated but is sure as shit doesnt arrive at the clinic in a refrigerated truck. Since you period hasn't arrived perhaps the provera was crap. Not meaning to alarm you but who's t say it didnt sit on the tarmac at the airport at >40oC for the weekend.
Posted by: kath | September 24, 2004 at 04:55 AM
I don't know if you remember, but I had the same problem - never got it after provera. I'd call the RE and let him know that it's crappy stuff - it didn't work - and you need the shot to get you to get it.
B/c you're right - without you ovulating - no child. And it's about time you got one!
Posted by: Toni | September 24, 2004 at 05:07 PM
What a mindf*ck. When you don't want that period, it won't leave you alone. When you want said period, it's nowhere to be found. I think Emily from Scrambled Eggs once compared this to a bad relationship -- ain't it the truth!
Argh -- hope it shows up soon so you can get on with the reproducin'.
Posted by: Joanne | September 25, 2004 at 11:04 AM