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August 31, 2004



I am sorry that I have nothing helpful to add regarding the Provera question. I do however want to commiserate. The ONLY good thing about IF and TTC is; when our periods disappointingly appear, at least we get to "start over" fresh slate. It sucks but then I think, allright no more white bullets for 14 days and ok, here comes the clomid, look at me I am PRODUCTIVE! So you having to wait? That's harsh! Sorry bout that:( I am "starting over" soon. Don't know why Im bothering but pee stickin' it friday


I can't help with advice but I'll chivy up Tertia to post a paragraph or six for you.


Ok, about Provera. Firstly, it sucks. It sucks because it makes me ratty, hungry and spotty. But then again I am always ratty, hungry and spotty, so that could just be me.

Secondly, AF might come 1 day after your last pill, 5 days or 7 days. There is no telling. It is more than mildly annoying.

Lastly, I dont think Provera will have any affect on your ability to have regular cycles.

Didn't you just do a IUI or something? That could be why AF is messing you around. AF's a bitch, she does shit like that.

Good luck, any more Provera questions just mail away.


I can't offer any help on Provera (hadn't had to do that one yet), but hoping it all straightens itself out soon.

barren mare

Nope, no clue. Would it help if I said WHAT THE EFFING EFF with you? Because, I mean, really that is just... I think also JJ at jellybelly was on Provera at one point, in case you want a second blogger's opinion, I'll point her this way.

unspecified *smooch*


Argh! Even your predictable periods are gone for now?? That is NOT right or FAIR!! (I know, who said anything about "fair?". I hope everything gets back in synch soon.


I have just finished 10 days of provera and like Tertia said it makes you hungry and spotty. I cant say grumpy as Dh has conveniently gone o/s. The dogs are still hanging around so I obviously cant be that bad.

Anyway, for the last 4 days I have had AF pains and today, 1 day after finishing the course, I am starting to get colourful discharge. Not red, or pink, but orange. Anyway I will let you know just how crap AF is when it arrives. I expect it to be in a day or so.

By the way, it makes your boobs huge! Sore but huge.


I can't sugar coat it for you, sister. Provera sucks. My personal experience didn't include crankiness or hunger pains, however, I felt as though the process of my period coming was so unnatural. Not many cramps, but one day there's nothing the next the flood gates open.

Of course, it's different for everyone, and I wish you the best of side-effects if any at all.


Hi there, I see Mare already mentioned me! I feel so special :)

I wrote a whole song about Provera.

Provera makes me very cranky and very hungry. Not so much the sore boobs, but a very bloated belly. My period usually shows up about 5-7 days after I take the last one, but I only take them for 5 days. Last time I barely had any cramps at all, but the first few times were killer cramps. Of course, I don't ovulate, so those were ending very looooooong cycles. Once I was using the provera around day 28-30 of my cycle the cramps were tolerable. (I've taken it 4 times.) If you don't get your period by 14 days after the last pill you're supposed to call the Dr.

Hope it goes well for you.


this is a question actually, about provera. my menstruation have been on for 12 days so i rushed to my doc. she prescribed provera to me. will it help stop my mens? as i've read here that it's used to induce menstruation..thanks.


Hi Im Liz. I have to have Provrea every month to induce my period, about 7 months now and I always get my period 3-4 days after the last pill. I just started Clomid last month 50 mg cd 5-9. Well this month I took Provera 10 mg for 10 days. Its been 13 days since the last pill and no period. My boobs are so sore I cant stand it. That has never happened to me before. I cant start Clomid ( 100 mg cd 3-7) untill I have AF. My doc says I have to wait another week. Has anyone else had this happen to them??? All the sudden everything is changing and I cant figure out why. Thank you all sooo much! Please any advise will work!! XOXO Good luck to you!


Hi Im Liz. I have to have Provrea every month to induce my period, about 7 months now and I always get my period 3-4 days after the last pill. I just started Clomid last month 50 mg cd 5-9. Well this month I took Provera 10 mg for 10 days. Its been 13 days since the last pill and no period. My boobs are so sore I cant stand it. That has never happened to me before. I cant start Clomid ( 100 mg cd 3-7) untill I have AF. My doc says I have to wait another week. Has anyone else had this happen to them??? All the sudden everything is changing and I cant figure out why. Thank you all sooo much! Please any advise will work!! XOXO Good luck to you!


Hello All Just A Quick Novel : )

I've took Provera almost 4 years ago (along with Clomid) to get pregnant. I have just started my first cycle with Provera this August. Here's the deal, Provera shouldn't have any effect on your "regular" cycle, a few months after you stop taking it. I found that whatever my "usual" PMS symptoms were (on the Provera) they seems amplified. The cramps were worse and so was the bloating and the mood swings. All went away within 3 days. It can take 14 days to start your period, once you stop a 10 day cycle of Provera. If you haven't had your P in 14 days, call your Dr. If you've already done Provera AND Clomid and are again on the Provera for another could be pregnant!!!! Again, give yourself 14 days to begin your period then call your Dr. Provera isn't harmful to your new baby (if you're preggers). Just any FYI, when you take Provera and don't always ovulate right away. Last time it took 3 cycles for me to ovulate...but the third time was the charm and I have a 3yr old little GIRL!!! : )



I took Prometrium and clomid to have my first baby. I am trying again... my new doctor prescribed provera for 10 days because he said it was cheaper than prometrium and did the same thing ( induce my period). I've taken it 6 days and my period has started now I don't know what to do? Do i finish the cycle of provera or stop the provera and consider this a period and then start the clomid? this is frustrating and difficult to go through. I'm happy somehow I came across this website and hopefully some one can offer some advice. At least I can't complian I havn't felt the pain described by some women above.


Ok so on the 8th i took provera for 10 days, today is the 28th and in two days it will have been 22 days since my first dose of the provera. My boobs hurt like crazy, I feel like I am going crazy... no signs of any period.... and negative pregnancy tests all around. I called the dr. office and of course they will get back to me. Does anyone have any answers. This is the first time I have taken this. My last period was 6/18. Is it possible that I got pregnant within the last week and it is too soon for home tests?


Hi, I'm Tarryn. I've had my period for 9 weeks straight and am sick of it. My Doc has tried everything. I've tried all different sorts of higher Estrogen pills and low doses (10-20mg) of Provera. Now he wants to take me off my contraceptive and put me on 50mg of Provera. What can I expect symptoms wise? I'm supposed to be on it for 5 days at 50mg and then down to 20mg for 3 weeks.


Does anyone smoke? I am taking Provera for the first time to induce my period and after reading the warnings...I am scared which makes me smoke more!


My took Clomid 100mg as suggested by Doctor and had my period after 10 days from the last the last clomid tablet. I dont know when I will ovulate?

upside down

I am 37 (I'll be 38 on Monday)> My husband and I decided to try to have another baby. We have two boys (concieved naturally). Before we tried, my OBGYN had drawn some labs to test my "hormone levels". She said she would call if anything was wrong. Never heard from her, assumed everything was o.k. My husband and I started last month to try to get pregnant. To my excitment I didn't get my period this month. However, seven negative pregnancy test later, I called my MD and said what is going on? She said it was possible I was pregnant and she would send me for a blood pregnancy test and redrawn the labs she did last month "just to be sure". When she called, I expected her to say congratulations! She said, not only was I not pregnant but my FSH was 137 (according to her "well into menopausal levels") She said when she tested me last month it was ONLY 19 and now it's 137. all my other labs were normal(thyroid, estradoil) In reading and doing some research online, I am finding out the even the "ONLY 19" level is considered "perimenapausal". She has now put me on Provera to induce my period and sent me to a reprouctive endocrinologist. She want to redraw my FSH level on day three of my peroid after the 10 days of Provera. From everything I have read this is a very dismal situation. My OBGYN is making it sound as if I "still have time" but need to hurry! I feel like maybe she made a big mistake by not calling me when my level was 19 and now is trying to quickly send me to a specialist. I really like my OBGYN but have a really bad feeling about this situation. I am only on day 2 of Provera and no sign of any period yet. Anyone have any kind of similar situation? (misery loves company!)


Hi all. I started provera about 20 days ago, my doc says I should started withing 7 days of stopping meds. It has been 9 now and I have no sign of starting. Help


I am replying to lisa, I pasted part of your post below so you know who I am talking about. I have read a lot about accupuncture. And it being able to bring the FSH levels down. I have also seen stories where women had started menopause symptoms and did accupunture for a few months and were able to get pregnant. Some doing IFV cycles and some did it natural. It is just something I read so I would do some research and ask you MD what they think.
If you believe and are interested, if I were you I would look into it. Everyone is different and has different beliefs and you never know until you try sure to find one that specializes in fertility though. Just a thought. I wish you the best of luck.
Take good care...
I am 37 (I'll be 38 on Monday)> My husband and I decided to try to have another baby. We have two boys (concieved naturally). Before we tried, my OBGYN had drawn some labs to test my "hormone levels". She said she would call if anything was wrong. Never heard from her, assumed everything was o.k. My husband and I started last month to try to get pregnant. To my excitment I didn't get my period this month. However, seven negative pregnancy test later, I called my MD and said what is going on? She said it was possible I was pregnant and she would send me for a blood pregnancy test and redrawn the labs she did last month "just to be sure". When she called, I expected her to say congratulations! She said, not only was I not pregnant but my FSH was 137 (according to her "well into menopausal levels") She said when she tested me last month it was ONLY 19 and now it's 137. all my other labs were normal(thyroid, estradoil) In reading and doing some research online, I am finding out the even the "ONLY 19" level is considered "perimenapausal".

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Hi I was on provera for ten days and its 5 days since my last pill and no sign of periods.The Dr said this would induce periods after which he would start me on clomid. My previous Dr had me taking metformin/glucophage and this made me have a regular cycle but once I stopped so did the period. I am moody and constantly hungry I have pout on 4 pounds in tha lst 14 days.


Hi I was on provera for ten days and its 5 days since my last pill and no sign of periods.The Dr said this would induce periods after which he would start me on clomid. My previous Dr had me taking metformin/glucophage and this made me have a regular cycle but once I stopped so did the period. I am moody and constantly hungry I have put on 4 pounds in tha lst 14 days.


Hi I was on provera for ten days and its 5 days since my last pill and no sign of periods.The Dr said this would induce periods after which he would start me on clomid. My previous Dr had me taking metformin/glucophage and this made me have a regular cycle but once I stopped so did the period. I am moody and constantly hungry I have put on 4 pounds in the last 14 days. I sure hope that at the end of all this I can get PG.

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