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« Clear Blue, My Ass | Main | Me, Me, Me »

June 10, 2004



OMG you made that sound so incredibly horrible. I am hurting now!!

I hope this will be your last IUI and the next bit of minimal discomfort you feel will be during the birth of your child.


Keeping my fingers crossed for you!


ouch - now swim guys, swim


Ouch! Well, maybe the doc was just carving out a nice place for the egg to implant...or not.

Hope that the "boys" find the golden egg!


Oops, implant embryo, not egg


good luck there!
my hsg had me on the roof- perhaps i should start to fear the IUI? hmmm....

lobster girl

Yeah, the HSG is a real treat isn't it? But don't fear the IUI, Jen. My experience is apparently anomolous, so bets are you'll be fine. I hear it's a breeze for most women.

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